You are...
...critical and judgmental of yourself
...questioning and doubting your abilities
...second guess your decisions
...going along with others just to 'keep the peace'
...fearful being judged and/or being laughed at
...comparing yourself to others..especially other women
...living in the future or the past
...lacking self-care
...feeling guilty when you take time for yourself
...feeling broken
...feeling betrayed
...unable to recognize our own inner strength
...feeling invisible
...feeling insecure
...repeating old negative behaviors (i.e., going back to that guy/girl)
...looking for approval from others
...hiding who you really are
...wondering who you are
...feeling alone
...feeling lost
Does any of this sound familiar?
Imagine what it would feel like to be confident personally and professionally. Imagine what it would feel like trusting your decisions. Imagine what it would feel like trusting your abilities and intuition. Imagine what it would feel like to live the life that you want free of judgment and fearlessly. Imagine what it would feel like knowing your truth and being confident in deciding what YOU want. Imagine what it would feel like to go for that degree, position, vacation, or relationship. Imagine what it would feel like connecting to your own inner Badass Queen Lioness Warrior.
Imagine having a step by step process to turn to whenever you feel lost, uncertain, or need clarity...